General Meeting Summary – September 28, 2014

Attendance: 16 members were in attendance, including all officers and two members at large. Treasurer’s Report: Due to some unexpected expenses, we may end up with a small loss this year but are still in good shape with a healthy bank balance. Membership Report: We’ve had a 16% increase in membership so far this year. […]

2015 Nominations for DSE Club Office

Each year at this time, DSE members have an opportunity to place their names for nomination to become officers of the DSE running club. Club officers are elected for one year to serve as President, Senior and Second Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. Duties for the officers are as follows: PRESIDENT: To preside over meetings, […]

From the President’s Desk

by George Sacco, President Thank You Kitzzy: for writing the July President’s Desk and providing an excellent report on the 2014 Double-Dipsea. Board Meeting And General Meeting Scheduled The dates and locations for these meetings are set. The Board Meeting, August 24, will be after the Golden Gate Park Cross Country 5K. The General Meeting, […]

From the President’s Desk

by Kitzzy Aviles, Secretary EMS Procedures for DSE Race Directors Thanks to Brian Hartley for putting together a list of suggested guidelines to help our race directors with medical emergencies. Although we hope to never have occasion to use these procedures, it is a living document that is subject to change. We have already had […]

From the President’s Desk

by George Sacco, President Time to Start Planning for 2015 June is the halfway point for 2014, time to start planning for the 2015 Race Schedule, Volunteer Appreciation Picnic and the Gala. Please, step forward and be part of these committees. The club can only remain strong if we all pull together. Volunteers for 2014 Double Dipsea I know this is a […]