Attendance: 16 members were in attendance, including all officers and two members at large.
Treasurer’s Report: Due to some unexpected expenses, we may end up with a small loss this year but are still in good shape with a healthy bank balance.
Membership Report: We’ve had a 16% increase in membership so far this year. However, 5% of these members still need to renew their membership. Remember that you must be an active member to be eligible for an award at the Gala.
President’s Mission Statement: Below is an update on George’s personal goals for DSE this year.
- Attend as many DSE races as possible — so far he’s missed only one.
- Increase or maintain membership — membership has increased by 16%.
- Have all board members serve as race directors — all but one has been a race director at least one race.
- Have at least one board member in every committee — this has been accomplished.
Board Meetings Highlights:
- The minutes from all board meetings have been published in the newsletter.
- The following new policies will take effect January 1, 2015:
- Budget Policy: An itemized written budget proposal should be submitted to the board for approval at least 90 days before an event.
- Volunteer Points System: To minimize confusion, we’re creating a system that will award members volunteer points (instead of using hours) based on the volunteer role performed. Award volunteer requirements will also be updated accordingly. Full details and how many points you can earn per volunteer opportunity will be published on the website and in the next newsletter.
Double Dipsea Update: George had a brief meeting with Sam two days ago, which confirmed that Brazen is very interesting in partnering with DSE to manage this race in 2015 and has begun pursuing permits. A meeting with key players from both sides will take place soon to negotiate details. The biggest concern from Brazen is that DSE did not provide the number of volunteers it committed to for the 2014 race.
Folding Session: We had trouble finding folding session hosts and attendees over the past years, so alternate solutions were discussed. After gathering more details, it was determined that folding sessions are still the most efficient and cost-effective method and we’ll continue these every month. To help increase attendance, we’ll post dates in advance on the website calendar and reminders a few days before each session in the Facebook and Yahoo groups.
EMS Update: The final draft of the EMS Procedures is now posted in the Policies and Procedures page under the About Us section of the website. George is reaching out to Sports Basement to host a CPR class and a date will be announced soon. The class will be free and will have up to 10 spots, which will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Club member Brian will then facilitate a first aid class. Our RRCA State Representative, George Rehmet, advised that we update the race waiver to make it clear that there are no medical personnel present at our races.
2015 Gala Update:
- The 2015 Gala will be held on Sunday, January 25 starting at 4:30 PM.
- Remember that you must be an active member (dues paid) and have accumulated the correct number of volunteer hours to receive an award at the Gala.
- Active members who wish to be considered for a Mongo, Top 5 Race Miles or Top 5 Total Miles awards must submit the awards form by January 4.
- A link to an electronic form will be posted on the website and a hard copy included in the next newsletter.
Open Discussion:
- Concerns were again raised about allowing runners with headphones, dogs or strollers at our races. We maintain our position that these are highly discouraged and runners who choose to run with these do so at their own risk. However, the RD of each race has final say and full authority to ban their use and disqualify runners deemed unsafe.
- To help runners make more informed decisions on when to bring along strollers or dogs, we’ll be reviewing and updating course descriptions to include more information about terrain and elevation.