by George Sacco, President
Thank You Kitzzy:
for writing the July President’s Desk and providing an excellent report on the 2014 Double-Dipsea.
Board Meeting And General Meeting Scheduled
The dates and locations for these meetings are set. The Board Meeting, August 24, will be after the Golden Gate Park Cross Country 5K. The General Meeting, September 28, will be at the Lindley Meadow Cross Country 4M site. We are still finalizing the agendas for both meetings. We will be provide a summary of the meetings in the September and October newsletters.
Committee Meetings
Two important committees will be starting soon, the Race Committee and the Gala Committee.
We Need Race Directors
We need a race director for the Marina Green 5K. We are also in need of directors from September to December. Check the DSE website for open race director positions. Being a race director provides you with 12 age- division points and volunteer points toward a Gala trophy. All you have to do is print your name on the Race Director board at one of the Sunday runs or contact Kevin Lee or Jim Kauffold to sign up as a Race Director.
Summer Evening Race Series
The summer Thursday evening race series at Lake Merced continues through August 21. It starts at the Sunset Blvd parking lot at 6:30 PM. Entry fee is only one dollar, and the course is open until 7:30 PM.
DSE Thank You For July 2014
We don’t thank people enough for the things that they do. So I hereby take my self-appointed Presidential power, and present Jane Colman the DSE thank you for July 2014. Thank you Jane for keeping the newsletter and the folding sessions going.