New Race Timing System
by Jason Buckner One thing I’ve heard from many members is that they want us to update our race timing system. Well, we’ve heard you and want to fill you in on the details of how our new electronic timing system will work. Starting at the Easter Roller Coaster 5K on April 5, we’re going […]
Run Into The Night
2015 Awards Gala Recap by Jason Buckner We’ve all experienced that feeling of the predawn run, watching the sun rise and breathing life into the day. How about that run after work, just as the moon is rising and the world is settling down? It’s magical. That’s where this year’s gala was born. The evening […]
2015 DSE Club Officers
The voting for 2015 DSE club officers has been completed and the results are as follows: President: Kitzzy Aviles (our first ever woman president) Senior VP: Michael Gulli 2nd VP: Jason Buckner Secretary: Amber Wipfler Treasurer: Chikara Omine The new officers will take their positions effective as of the 2015 Gala. Thanks to all the candidates who […]
DSE 2015 Officer Election
The voting for DSE Officers has been extended until the last race of the year, the Golden Gate Bridge Vista 10K on December 28. Candidate statements begin on page 3 of the December Newsletter. The ballot for the election of 2015 DSE club officers is included as an insert in the December issue of the DSE News. […]
New Volunteer Points System Launching January 1st
by Kitzzy Aviles To minimize confusion, we’re creating a system that will award members volunteer points (instead of using hours) based on the volunteer role performed. Award volunteer requirements will also be updated accordingly. Below is the proposed point system and updated award requirements that will take effect starting on January 1, 2015 (for awards […]