October President’s Desk

by Kitzzy Aviles Poll: Next General Membership Meeting At our previous meeting in August, members expressed interest in having one General Membership Meetings each quarter. Looking at the remaining DSE races for 2015, there are only a few dates that will work, but none are optimal, so we’d like your input. Please take 1 minute […]

August General Membership Meeting

by Amber Wipfler DSE held its annual General Membership Meeting on August 9, 2015, at the Presidio Sports Basement.  We had a fantastic turnout, and the DSE Board would like to thank all the attendees for their excellent ideas and input.  In fact, it was such a great experience that we’ll be doing it again […]

August President’s Desk

by Kitzzy Aviles, DSE President Volunteer Points I finally got time to tally everyone’s volunteer points and you can view the current totals on our website. Please keep in mind that since this is a mostly manual process, there will likely be mistakes. If you spot a mistake, omission, or have questions/concerns about your totals […]

General Membership Meeting on August 9

by Kitzzy Aviles, President DSE is your club, so we want to hear your feedback and ideas! Join us at the Presidio Sports Basement after the Marina Green 5K to get an update on what we’ve been doing in 2015 and give us input on new club initiatives. We’ll setup early with snacks and refreshments […]

April President’s Desk

by Kitzzy Aviles, DSE President Member Recognition One of my goals for this year is to find more ways to recognize and thank our members for helping us put on more than 40 races a year. The new volunteer points and rewards system is one way, and social media is another. Our officers are taking […]