By Janet Nissenson
This was another successful year thus far for the DSE’s very popular Thursday Evening Summer Race Series. From its humble beginnings back in 2008 when we averaged 25 runners each week, the 2013 series averaged over 90 runners each week.
The fastest time run on the course this season was by William Chen, an amazing 22:54 (5:05 pace) run on Week #12. Fastest time by a female was run by Liz Gottlieb (28:11, 6:15 pace) also on Week #12.
We had a total of 12 runners who participated in all 12 of the races. They were: Cristian Alvarez, David Wilson, Greg Brown, Juan Melendez, Lidia deLeon, Marcial Saavedra, Mark Mooney, Michael Peters, Silvia Salazar, Tim Comay, William McCarty, and Wynn Norona.
Many thanks to the great volunteers who helped out so much this summer. They include Bobby Marty, Sandy Baumgarten, Gene French, Mark Mooney, Caron Anderson, Pauline Dake, George Sacco, Denise Leo, Ed Baumgarten, and others. This was a very difficult year for me personally to put on these races as my mother was terminally ill and passed away a few days before the final race, so I appreciate everyone who helped out when needed.
The Summer Race Series will return for its seventh year on Thursday, June 5, 2014. After six years as the primary Race Director, I will be taking a few steps back from these duties and will only be directing six of the races. We are looking actively for volunteers to take on the remaining six races. If you can direct one or more of these, please contact me at
You will receive the same two hours of volunteer credit as you would by directing a Sunday race, and will also be credited with ten points in your age division (for the summer series races).