DSE Race Schedule 

All races begin at 9:00am unless otherwise noted.  Race check-in/race day registration begins 45 minutes prior to race start.  Course details are subject to race day modifications based on weather, construction, and other factors.

Gold, Child, and Teen memberships include unlimited races.  Standard member race fee is $5.  Non-member race fee is $10.  Thank you!

Races have a 15 minute/mile pace time limit, and course/finish lines will close accordingly. If you expect to run over a 15 minute mile, please consider our self-timer option.

St. Patrick’s Day Crissy Field 5K & Kid’s Run
Mar 16 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

START/FINISH: Yacht Harbor Parking Lot (Little Marina Green)

Start time: 9:00am

Kid’s run will start after finish of 5K race.

Course Description

S/F – Yacht Harbor parking lot. Run along Crissy Field/Golden Gate Promenade. Stay along path into Fort Point National Historic Site. Turnaround at orange cone and return same way to finish.

Course Map

Printable Map

McLaren Park Shelley Drive 5K
Apr 6 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Start time: 9:00am

Large parking lot located at 21 Shelley Drive (the larger lot closer to Mansell, not the smaller lot near the amphitheater)

Course Description
Two clockwise loops. Start at the Parking Lot located at 21 Shelley Drive (the larger lot closer to Mansell, not the smaller lot near the amphitheater). Exit the parking lot, turn right on Shelley Drive, right onto Mansell, and right on Shelley Drive West.   Follow Shelley Drive to the start. Repeat loop.


Course Map


Easter Mountain Lake Park 5K & Kids Run
Apr 20 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Race start: 9:00am

Start/Finish: West end of Mountain Lake Park path near 11th Ave & Lake St.

Course Description
Run East on Mountain Trail, turn left running North beside Mountain Lake
Continue on under tunnel, bear right until 14th avenue, turn around at steel posts
Run North on Park trail, keep straight uphill, turn around at Golf General Store running back on Park trail
Turn left to pass under tunnel again, follow path beside lake
Turn left to head East on Mountain trail, run uphill, turning around before Arguello, return straight on path to start

*Kid’s Run starts after finish of 5K race.

Course Map

Spreckels Lake 5K & Lightning Mile
May 4 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Two races in one! Join us for either a fast, downhill 1 mile race or a scenic 5K loop, or both!
Start time for the mile is 9:00am. The 5K will begin immediately after the completion of the 1 mile. Start/finish on JFK near 36th Avenue.

Registration for both races will be on John F. Kennedy Drive near 36th Avenue and Spreckles Lake.

1-Mile Race

  • Start Time: 9:00 am  — please arrive by 8:40 am to allow enough time to register and make your way to the start about a mile away.
  • Start Location: Kennedy Drive near Transverse
  • Finish Location: Kennedy Drive near Spreckles Lake
  • 1M Course Description: Run https://dserunners.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/placeholder-vertical-1.jpgtbound (downhill) along Kennedy Drive from start to finish


5K Race

  • Start Time: After completion of 1-mile race, around 9:30 am.
  • Start/Finish Location: Kennedy Drive/36th Avenue near Spreckles Lake
  • 5K Course Description: Run https://dserunners.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/placeholder-vertical-1.jpgtbound on Kennedy Drive, left onto Chain of Lakes dirt path, left onto ML King Drive pedestrian path, left onto Transverse Drive, left onto Kennedy Drive to downhill finish.



Mother’s Day Crissy Field 5K & Kid’s Run
May 11 @ 9:00 am – 11:30 am

START/FINISH: Yacht Harbor Parking Lot (Little Marina Green)

* Kid’s run starts after finish of 5K

Course Description

S/F – Yacht Harbor parking lot. Run https://dserunners.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/placeholder-vertical-1.jpgt along Crissy Field/Golden Gate Promenade. Stay along path into Fort Point National Historic Site. Turnaround at orange cone and return same way to finish.

Course Map

Presidio Wall 5K XC
Jun 8 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Race start time: 9:00am

Start/Finish: Grass lawn adjacent to Presidio Wall Playground (near Pacific and Spruce Avenue).

Course Description
Start and finish on the grass lawn adjacent to Presidio Wall Playground (near Pacific and Spruce Avenue). Exit grass area, complete counter-clockwise Presidio Wall rectangular loop, right onto W. Pacific Avenue trail. Prior to Arguello Boulevard, complete mini-clockwise half-arc loop before turning left onto northbound (downhill) straightaway and exit trail onto asphalt surface. Turn around at stop sign, reverse direction and return to W. Pacific Avenue. Travel downhill (eastbound), complete clockwise Presidio Wall loop before finishing on the grass.

Course Map

Printable Map

Presidio XC 5K Course Map

Father’s Day Rainbow Falls 5K & Kid’s Run
Jun 15 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Start Time: 9:00am

Start/Finish: JFK Dr. & Transverse Dr.

* Kid’s run starts after finish of 5K race

Course Description
Run eastbound on Kennedy Drive.
Right turn (uphill) onto Stow Lake Drive.
Run to Turnaround cone (.06m)
Reverse directions, right back onto Kennedy Drive.
Run east up Kennedy Drive to McLaren Lodge. Turnaround at Barricade at Kezar Drive, start back and turn right on East Conservatory Drive. Run up and around East Conservatory Drive then back onto Kennedy Drive and return https://dserunners.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/placeholder-vertical-1.jpgtbound to finish.

Course Map

Lindley Meadow 5K
Jun 29 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Start time: 9:00am

Kennedy Drive at 30th Ave.

Course Description
Double 1.55-mile cross country loop traversing grass, dirt, trails.

Course Map