DSE Race Schedule 

All races begin at 9:00am unless otherwise noted.  Race check-in/race day registration begins 45 minutes prior to race start.  Course details are subject to race day modifications based on weather, construction, and other factors.

Gold, Child, and Teen memberships include unlimited races.  Standard member race fee is $5.  Non-member race fee is $10.  Thank you!

Races have a 15 minute/mile pace time limit, and course/finish lines will close accordingly. If you expect to run over a 15 minute mile, please consider our self-timer option.

McLaren Park Shelley Drive 5K
Apr 6 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Start time: 9:00am

Large parking lot located at 21 Shelley Drive (the larger lot closer to Mansell, not the smaller lot near the amphitheater)

Course Description
Two clockwise loops. Start at the Parking Lot located at 21 Shelley Drive (the larger lot closer to Mansell, not the smaller lot near the amphitheater). Exit the parking lot, turn right on Shelley Drive, right onto Mansell, and right on Shelley Drive West.   Follow Shelley Drive to the start. Repeat loop.


Course Map


Coastal Trail Challenge 10K [Off-Road]
Apr 27 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

NEW Start/Finish: Upper Baker Beach parking lot adjacent to triangular tourist board

Course Description
Exit parking lot onto Sandy beach via wooden bridge, run .28m east, right uphill onto Sand Ladder. At top turn left (stay inside the guard rail of Lincoln Blvd.) run uphill/downhill along Coastal Trail. Exit left onto path that transverses under GG Bridge. Take the left fork onto .1m criss/cross path. Exit left, run down the staircase. Exit across Long Avenue. Right onto Golden Gate Promenade. Turnaround (50 yards prior to Concrete Stab adjacent to Yacht Harbor). Return the same way. Run https://dserunners.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/placeholder-vertical-1.jpgt along GG Promenade, left up the staircase, run https://dserunners.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/placeholder-vertical-1.jpgt under GG Bridge, right onto Coastal Trail, stay inside Lincoln Blvd. guard rail. Run downhill along Lincoln Blvd. trail that past Sand Ladder; at fork turn left via “Battery section” run back to
Upper Baker Beach parking lot. Take a quick left turn to Finish.

Course Map

Kennedy Drive 8K
May 25 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Start/Finish: South side of Polo Field on Middle Drive in Golden Gate Park

Race start: 9:00am

Course Description:
Run (uphill) eastbound on Middle Drive, turn onto Overlook Drive (path), left at Transverse and right onto Kennedy Drive. Run eastbound on Kennedy Drive to barricade at Kezar Drive. Turn around at Barricade and return same way to finish.

Course Map:

Presidio Wall 5K XC
Jun 8 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Race start time: 9:00am

Start/Finish: Grass lawn adjacent to Presidio Wall Playground (near Pacific and Spruce Avenue).

Course Description
Start and finish on the grass lawn adjacent to Presidio Wall Playground (near Pacific and Spruce Avenue). Exit grass area, complete counter-clockwise Presidio Wall rectangular loop, right onto W. Pacific Avenue trail. Prior to Arguello Boulevard, complete mini-clockwise half-arc loop before turning left onto northbound (downhill) straightaway and exit trail onto asphalt surface. Turn around at stop sign, reverse direction and return to W. Pacific Avenue. Travel downhill (eastbound), complete clockwise Presidio Wall loop before finishing on the grass.

Course Map

Printable Map

Presidio XC 5K Course Map