2016 Officers at Large
It is my pleasure to announce the Officers at Large who will be joining the board for 2016. These three members will advise the elected officers, serve as the voice of members, and take on special projects throughout the year. Chikara Omine served as treasurer for five years; he will help mentor our new treasurer, Christine Clark, to ensure a smooth transition. Tony Nguyen will continue to serve as our Social Media Coordinator. As the nehttps://dserunners.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/placeholder-vertical-1.jpgt member of the board, Jeorgina Martinez will bring a new point of view as she gets a peek behind the scenes of what it takes to run DSE and host over 40 races a year.
Race Schedule Changes
An updated print schedule is now available on our website with the following changes:
- Many of the races that started at Crissy Field now start at the Yacht Harbor parking lot (instead of East Beach parking lot).
- The Kennedy Drive 8K on April 17 has been replaced by the Mclaren Park 5K.
Double Dipsea Volunteer Captains
Race day will be here before we know it. We are once again partnering with Bracen Racing to help us produce this race, and our part of the partnership is providing enough volunteers to ensure a successful race. We need Volunteer Captains to head up the various aid station and course monitor locations, and help recruit your friends to join you. Rumor has it there may be a best themed aid station contest.
Double Dipsea Early Registration
If you filled out the early registration interest form and met the criteria, you will receive a link to register via email this week. You must follow the instructions and register before regular registration opens and the race sells out. If you are not able to get one of these spots, you will still be able to try again during regular registration on Tuesday, March 15 at noon, and Saturday, March 19 at 3:00pm.
2016 Gala Feedback & Awards
Thank you for all of your feedback. We’re looking forward to ending our 50th Anniversary year with a bang at the 2017 Gala, and we’ll take all your suggestions into consideration during planning. If you were part of the second trophy order, they have arrived! Please see Christine Clark to pick it up; she also has all unclaimed trophies from the Gala. We have updated the Awards Criteria; please visit https://dserunners.com/awards/awards-criteria/ for more details. If you think of other suggestions, please use this form to let us know: https://dserunners.com/gala-feedback/
General Membership Meeting on March 13
We’re looking forward to hearing from members and sharing our plans for 2016, our 50th Anniversary year! Light snacks and coffee will be served starting at 10:30 am in the Community Area at the Presidio Sports Basement. Email me at dse@kitzzy.com with agenda items.
2016 Race Directors Needed
We still have plenty of races in need of race directors for 2016, including in the next 2 months! Visit https://dserunners.com/volunteer/race-directors/ to review available race dates and contact Kevin at dse.pekingduck@gmail.com to sign up. Thanks!
Awards Criteria Clarifications
While preparing awards for the 2016 Gala, we came across several discrepancies in the awards criteria listed on our website (https://dserunners.com/awards/awards-criteria/). We interpreted them as well as we could, but wanted to take some time after to simplify some of the criteria and clarify ones that we received feedback about. We’ve updated the website to be more clear and wanted to point out some of the key points:
- There is no volunteer requirement to attend the Gala.
- Members must earn a minimum of 3 volunteer points to qualify for any award. Some awards may require more volunteer points.
- To receive a mongo trophy, small or large, you must meet all 3 of the criteria listed for that award: miles, volunteer points, and number of races. If you are missing one of the 3 criteria for a Large Mongo trophy, but still qualify for a Small Mongo, you will receive that trophy instead.
- The kids trophy is specifically for kids who complete five (5) or more of the monthly kid runs; participation in adult races do not count towards this award. Kids who run adult races can earn age division points and qualify for an age division award if they meet all the criteria (including volunteer points).
- Age division award winners are the top 5 active members–dues paid and 3 volunteer points–who accumulate the most points. Anyone with age division points who has not volunteered, including kids, are removed from the rankings before the winners are tabulated.
- Every year we have a bunch of leftover trophies that nobody picks up, wasting the club’s money and time as we try to track down their owners for months. For the 2017 Gala, members who which to receive a trophy for any award will be required to submit the awards reporting form. If you qualify for an award but do not submit the form, you will be listed in the awards recipient list, but we will not order you a trophy.