Don’t Forget to Vote!
By George Sacco On Tuesday November 5, most of the Bay Area will be having municipal elections. In San Francisco there are only four propositions (A – D) and two individuals, both running for office unopposed. So your tendency may be not to take the time or exercise the effort to vote, but remember, elections […]
Information on Shingles
By George Sacco On August 12, the morning after the Brisbane Scenic 12K and 5K, I thought I was bitten by a bee. It turns out it wasn’t a bee. It was a severe case of Herpes Zoster, or shingles. Here is some information from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control (CDC) […]
Thursday Summer Race Series Wraps Up Another Year
By Janet Nissenson This was another successful year thus far for the DSE’s very popular Thursday Evening Summer Race Series. From its humble beginnings back in 2008 when we averaged 25 runners each week, the 2013 series averaged over 90 runners each week. The fastest time run on the course this season was by William Chen, an […]
Nominations For 2014 DSE Club Office
Each year at this time, DSE members have an opportunity to place their names for nomination to become officers of the DSE running club. Club officers are elected for one year to serve as President, Senior and Second Vice Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer. Duties for the officers are as follows: President: To preside over meetings, […]
President’s Activity – August 2013
By George Sacco On June 30 the Board held a committee meeting to plan for the first general meeting. During the meeting we discussed the initial plans for the club’s next Gala. On July 7, I attended the 2014 Race Scheduling meeting, where a few new race courses were added and the Practice Dipsea was […]