By George Sacco
On June 30 the Board held a committee meeting to plan for the first general meeting. During the meeting we discussed the initial plans for the club’s next Gala.
On July 7, I attended the 2014 Race Scheduling meeting, where a few new race courses were added and the Practice Dipsea was dropped.
On July 14, after a little bit of searching I found the registration area for the new McLaren Park 5K. Ken Fong and Kevin Lee did a great job designing and marking the course. 153 participants ran the race; their comments regarding the course were very positive.
On June 20, at the Double Dipsea Wrap Up and Audit meeting, I learned that Ken Reed and some major volunteers for the race are stepping down. The club will have to find replacements if we are to continue putting on our largest and most profi table run.