By Michael Gulli, Senior Vice President
A-List Bay Area Running Club
We were second out of 15 running clubs for the A-List Bay Area Running Club. WOW was first, but we are an open club to everyone. Our membership is $25 per year and it includes 40+ races per year. I feel we still have the best running club for the price.
Emergency Management System (EMS) Update
We are working with Brian Hartley regarding a CPR/first aid class in order that we may be ready for any medical emergency during our DSE races. We will be scheduling a class either at a folding session or at the Sports Basement. The class should be about one hour and we will let you know when it is scheduled.
Relay Teams
The DSE board approved funding for the four DSE running teams in the Relays. We had a meeting on March 9 at Sports Basement to discuss the open and masters B teams. We will have a total of four teams competing on May 3 and 4. If you would like to see the location of the race as it is in progress, go to the website If you would like to help with the donations for Organs R Us, the sponsor, Ken Fong set up a site at
Double Dipsea Update
The contract between Brazen Racing and DSE for the Double Dipsea has been signed. We are waiting for the permits. We are trying to get Saturday, June 21 as the date of the DD. Once the official date is chosen, it will be announced.
New Pre-Race Announcement
We have a new announcement before the start of each race:
“Per RRCA guidelines for the safety of all runners, running with headphones, dogs and/or baby strollers is strongly discouraged. If you choose to wear headphones, please keep the volume down and wear only one earbud in. If you choose to run with a dog or baby stroller, please start in the back.”
Special Olympics
There will be a Special Olympics Track and Field meet at Kezar Stadium on Friday May 9, 2014. If you would like to volunteer, show up at 8:45 AM at Kezar Stadium. The meet will be from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM. George Sacco will be attending the meet. For more information, contact Ken Reed at