by George Sacco

President’s Activity

We finished the General Membership Meeting and I was confirmed as the 2014 DSE President. I know that I ran unopposed, but I still thank you for electing me. The new Board was also elected. It is a young and a dynamic group. I look forward to working with them. My goals are to attend as many DSE races as possible, listen and act on your ideas for the Club, and keep the DSE races the most cost-effective in the Bay Area.

General Membership Meeting

Here is a summary of the December 22 General Membership meeting:

  1. A process action report was presented on the last General Membership meeting.
  2. Treasurer’s report showed a slight change in the bottom line.
  3. Membership status: very little change in membership numbers.
  4. Double Dipsea: we should have a finalized agreement with Brazen Racing in the early part of January.
  5. New race director policies were covered (see article on page 5 of the January Newsletter).
  6. Presentation on the communications link in place with Race Equipment Manager.
  7. Discussion on the recent Windmill 10K’s start and finish line procedures put in place as a result of George Baptista’s race safety policy, which he wrote in the early part of 2013.
  8. Election of the new officers.

Kaiser Permanent Half Marathon

Mark your calendars for February 2, when we need volunteers for the DSE water stop at the Kaiser Permanente Half Marathon. I know it is Super Bowl Sunday, but you will have plenty of time to see the game afterwards. Let’s Show the Pamakids how we support them.

Safety Tip: Be Careful Out There

When we run in races where we share the road with cars, give them the right of way. They’re bigger then we are. So stay out of their way so you can run another day.


Don’t forget to send your registration in for the Gala before January 12. I will be looking for you there.