50th Anniversary 5K

Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.

East Beach/Crissy Field, San Francisco

Join current and former DSE members for a 5K race at Crissy Field to celebrate the club’s 50th Anniversary. In addition to our signature low-key atmosphere, friendly volunteers, and post-race snacks, registration for this special event will include a commemorative50th Anniversary tech shirt and finisher medal.

Visit dserunners.com/50th for more information and to register by April 15 to guarantee shirt size.

Double Dipsea Volunteers Needed

Race day will be here before we know it. We are once again partnering with Brazen Racing to help us produce this race, and our part of the partnership is providing enough volunteers to ensure a successful race. This race needs almost 200 volunteers, and we need Volunteer Captains to head up the various aid station and course monitor locations, and help recruit your friends to join you. Contact Jeorgina Martinez at jeorginamartinez@yahoo.com to sign up.

2016 Priorities

The Board’s priorities are, in no particular order: