by Kitzzy Aviles, DSE President

Volunteer Points

I finally got time to tally everyone’s volunteer points and you can view the current totals on our website. Please keep in mind that since this is a mostly manual process, there will likely be mistakes. If you spot a mistake, omission, or have questions/concerns about your totals or the points awarded, please contact me asap and I’ll look into it. Thanks for your patience!

View Your Current Volunteer Points Total

Volunteer Picnic

Our Volunteer Appreciation Picnic will be held in September. Remember that you need to earn 3 volunteer points by September 1 in order to attend. Invitations for those that qualify will go out the first week in September.

Summer Evening Race Series

The 2015 Summer Evening Race Series continues every Thursday for the next three weeks at Lake Merced starting at 6:30 pm for just $2. This series started out in 2008 with about 25 runners and has grown to a steady 80-100 runners in the last eight years. We want to thank Janet Nissenson for organizing these races all these years, as well as our dedicated group of volunteers who help keep it going. In order to keep this tradition alive in 2016, we will need more members to step up next year.

Thank You SF Marathon Volunteers!

Thank you to all the volunteers who got up before the sun came up to help man the DSE aid station at the San Francisco Marathon and cheer our runners. It’s always nice to see a familiar face after completing that tough first half, and our members always do an outstanding job supporting this race.

Upcoming Races

We only had races on three Sundays in July, but we’re making up for it with five races in August. It must be cross country season, because three of these races include trails. If you’re not able to run, consider volunteering to earn those last few points needed to attend the Volunteer Appreciation Picnic.